Ottawa is a dynamic and exciting city that offers something for everyone! Whether you’re a young professional, starting a family, or looking for a place to retire, this city has it all.
With a population close to 1 million people, Ottawa is able to offer many great amenities while still maintaining a sense of community and charm. As the capital of Canada, the city is host to many great festivals and events throughout the entire year. Whether you like the arts, sports, or culture, there is always something great going on!
If you are new to the city, take some time to learn about the different areas. There are many wonderfully unique communities in Ottawa; let’s find the right one for you!

Click on the neighbourhood above to get more information about that neighbourhood.
Click on the neighbourhood above to get more information about that neighbourhood.
Click on the neighbourhood above to get more information about that neighbourhood.
Click on the neighbourhood above to get more information about that neighbourhood.
Click on the neighbourhood above to get more information about that neighbourhood.